SEMI-T8 Data Matrix Software

Please visit Wafer Marking Studio for more information.

Keywords: SEMI T8-0698, Data Matrix, Flat Panel Display

SEMI T8-0698 standard specifies the marking of two-dimensional data matrix barcode on glass flat panel display.

There are three predefined formats to choose from: 12 x 26, 12 x 36, and 16 x 36.

Barcodesoft SEMI-T8 software is designed in full compliance with SEMI T8-0698 standard.

User can choose different DPI when export SEMI-T8 images: 600, 1200, and 2400.

SEMI-T8 barcode

Exported SEMI-T8 images have the following nominal dimensions:

SEMI-T8 Data Matrix Columns Rows Width (mm) Height (mm)
26 12 3.25 1.5
36 12 4.5 1.5
36 16 4.5 2.0

There are many options you can configure for Barcodesoft SEMI T8 software.

User can configure stroke width. If user leaves it as auto-select, the default stroke width will be 2 pixels.

User can choose export folder. The default export folder will be C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData.

User can export SEMI-T8 data matrix in different image format: PNG, JPeg, and SVG.
SVG is scalable vector graphics. SEMI-T8 SVG images will need SVG viewer.

If you are using demo release, exported SEMI-T8 data matrix data will be prefixed by "DEMO".

After a valid license is typed in, demo watermarks will be gone.