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Generate Data Matrix barcodes in Office 365

Generate Data Matrix barcode in MS Excel 365

1. Register 64-bit cruflbcs_x64.dll.
In most cases, your Office 365 is 64-bit DLL. Therefire, you need to register the 64-bit cruflbcs_x64.dll.
Run command prompt as administrator.
Data matrix command prompt as administrator

Type in the following commands to register cruflbcs_x64.dll
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil"
%systemroot%\System32\regsvr32.exe cruflbcs_x64.dll

register 64-bit cruflbcs_x64.dll commands for data matrix barcode

If you see the following Window pop up, your registration was successful.
register 64-bit cruflbcs_x64.dll succeeded

2. Start Microsoft® Excel® 365.

3. Press ALT + F11 to open Microsoft® Visual Basic editor.
data matrix VBA

4. From Visual Basic editor, choose menu Tools ===> References. It will popup a dialog. Click Browse button and choose cruflbcs.dll from your working folder.
Usually it's under C:\Program File (x86)\CommonFiles\Barcodesoft\Fontutil folder.
Click the checkbox beside crUFLBcs 4.0 Type Library as shown below. Then click OK button.

data matrix barcode add reference

5. Press Ctrl+M, it will popup a dialog, choose barcodesoft.bas under C:\Program File (x86)\CommonFiles\Barcodesoft\Fontutil folder. Then click "Open".

If you don't find barcodesoft.bas, please download it from Data Matrix.
QRCode import vba

6. Close Visual Basic and go back to your spreadsheet. Now, you can use the following macro to encode data: datamatrix. When you have lots of data to process, you can just copy and paste the datamatrix macro to the whole column / row of data. All your datamatrix bar codes will be ready immediately.


Please use cell reference to replace xxx in the formulas as shown below.
Data Matrix Excel macro

7. Right click Cell B1, choose Format Cell from context menu as shown below.
Data Matrix Excel macro

8. Click Font tab and choose BcsDatamatrixS as font typeface as shown below.
Data Matrix typeface excel

9. Click Alignment tab and select "wrap text" as shown below.
Data Matrix alignment excel

10. Click OK and you should be able to see Data Matrix barcode in your Excel spreadsheet now. There might be a small gap between different lines of Data Matrix. However, this won't be an issue when you scan the printed Data Matrix because bcsDatamatrixS true type font is designed to reduce this gap to mininum.
Data Matrix excel

Keywords: office 365, Data Matrix

How to create data matrix barcode in Excel 365 spreadsheet?

Office 365 Excel spreadsheet barcode Youtube Tutorial

How to create data matrix barcode in MS Word 365 document?

Office 365 Word barcode Youtube Tutorial

Office 365 is a cloud-based subscription to a suite of MS Office software including Office 2016.

With Barcodesoft Web Service, you can generate different types of bar codes in Word 365, Excel 365, Access 365 and Publisher 365.

No download needed! No 3rd-party software installation needed!

All you need is just internet access.

Parameter Description Sample URL
s s means Symbology. It is always the first parameter for this web service. Accepted value could be one of the following:
Code39,Code39Ext, CODE128A, CODE128B, CODE128C, GS1128, UPCA, UPCE, EAN13, EAN8, Bookland,INTERLEAVED25, Code11,MSI, Code25,CODE93, Codabar,TELEPEN, Datamatrix, QRCODE, Aztec and PDF417.
Default symbology is QRCode.
"/s/datamatrix" will set it to Data Matrix.
text string to encode. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234
token A 14-digit token for each user. If you leave it blank, or your token subscription has expired, your barcode will have a demo watermark. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234/token/xxxx
orientation barcode image orientation. Accepted value could be one of the following: left, top, right and bottom. Default value is bottom. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?/s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234/orientation/2
format format means image format. Accepted value could be one of the following: TIFF, PNG, GIF, Jpeg, BMP. Default value is BMP. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234/format/gif
r format resolution. Accepted value could be one of the following: 96, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600. Default value is 96. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234/r/300
h barcode image height. Leave it blank for automatic height. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234/h/300
w barcode image width. Leave it blank for automatic width. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234/w/300
df data matrix target size. Only available when symbology is Data Matrix. Accepted value ranges between 1 and 30. http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/ABCD1234/s/5
gs1 This option is for GS1-Data Matrix only. When you add "/gs1/true/"" parameter to your URL, it will generate a GS1-Data matrix barcode. Just put parentheses before and after each Application Identifier, FNC1 will added automatically when necessary.


Here is the pricing list of office 365 Data Matrix barcode web service.
License Small Business License Developer License 5 Developer License Unlimited Developer License
Price CAD199 (Up to 5,000 barcodes generation per month) CAD399 (Up to 30,000 barcodes generation per month) CAD599 (Up to 100,000 barcodes generation per month) CAD799 (Up to 300,000 barcodes generation per month)

  • Data Matrix Excel spreadsheet download
  • Data Matrix barcode web service order

Generate Data Matrix Barcode in office 365 Word

1. Start Microsoft® Office 365 Word®.

2. Click menu Insert. Then click Pictures from toolbar as shown below.
office 365 Word

3. Type in the URL of the barcode web service in the filename textbox:

Data Matrix barcode insert office 365 Word

4. Click Insert button. You will get a Data Matrix barcode in your Word document. If you don't have a valid token, your barcode will have a demo watermark as shown below.

Data Matrix barcode in office 365 Word

Please subscribe Barcodesoft Web Service and use your own token to replace 'XXXX' in the macro above.

Generate Data Matrix Barcode in office 365 Excel Spreadsheet

1. Start Microsoft® office 365 Excel® first.

2. Click menu Insert. Then click Pictures as shown below.
office 365 excel toolbar

3. Type in the URL of barcode web service in the filename textbox: http://barcode.barcodesoft.com/barcode.ashx?s/datamatrix/text/23456/token/xxxx

office 365 excel insert Data Matrix barcode

4. Click Insert button. You will get a Data Matrix barcode in your office 365 Excel spreadsheet as shown below. If you don't have a valid token, your barcode will have a demo watermark.

office 365 excel insert Data Matrix barcode

5. If you have lots of barcodes to generate, you can modify the macro below to automate the process.

Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft 200

Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft 400

Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft 600

Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft 800

Please subscribe Barcodesoft Web Service and use your own token to replace 'XXXX' in the macro above.

  • Data Matrix barcode web service order