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SEMI T7-0302 Data Matrix

SEMI T7 Data Matrix, SEMI T7-0302

Please visit Wafer Marking Studio for more information.

Barcodesoft SEMI-T7 Data Matrix software is a smart and simple solution for back surface marking of double-side polished silicon wafers with a Data Matrix symbol.

Barcodesoft SEMI-T7 DataMatrix software is designed in compliance with SEMI T7-0302 standard, which specifies the location and dimension of Data Matrix code symbol.

All SEMI Data Matrix symbols have 8 rows by 32 columns. Symbol width is 1mm. Symbol height is 4mm.

The specification was approved by Global Traceability Committee and North American Traceability Committee.

Type in your 8-character vendor-assigned wafer ID and the 2-character vendor ID from Encoder, you will get SEMI Data Matrix symbol.

Two SEMI M12 check characters will be appended after your data automatically.

If you are using the Demo version, your data will be prefixed by "DEMO" watermark.

User can choose export image resolution: 300 , 600, 1200, and 2400 DPI.

User can choose export image format: PNG, JPeg, and SVG. In the demo version, export to SVG format option is disabled.
SEMI-T7 SVG images will need SVG viewer.

User can choose export folder. The default export folder is C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData.

User can choose between circle shape and square shape. Filled or not.

If you are using demo release, exported SEMI-T7 data matrix data will be prefixed by "DEMO".
After a valid license is typed in, demo watermark will be gone.

If you download and install the Barcodesoft SEMI-T7 software on your computer, you'll discover a Windows application named SemiT7CmdLine.
This application allows you to automatically create SEMI-T7 images.
SEMIT7CmdLine -l licensecode -s Square|Circle -i Yes|No -f png|jpeg|svg -r 300|600|1200|2400 -e C:\MyFolder -t 12345678AS
Even without a valid license code, it will still export SEMI-T7 image to your designated folder. However, it will add a "demo" watermark before your data.

Barcodesoft SEMI Data Matrix symbol has the following nominal dimensions:

SEMI Data Matrix Rows Columns Total Width Total Height
8 32 1.0 millimeter 4.0 millimeter

It is required that the Data Matrix symbol is obtained by laser scribing.

Here is a list of Supplier Identification Codes.

Supplier Code
American Silicon Products AS
American Telephone and Telegraph Lucent Technologies WE
American Xtal Technology XT
Ametec AM
Bertram Laboratories BL
Canon EL
Cincinnati Milacron CM
Cominco Electronic Materials CO
Crystal Specialties International CX
Crysteco CR
Delco DE
Diversified Substrates DS
Dowa Mining DW
Dynamit Nobel Italy DN
Dynamit Nobel Raleigh, NC DR
Empco EM
EniChem America EC
Epitaxy EP
Epitronics RT
Exsil EX
Fairchild FS
Formosa Komatsu Silicon Corporation FK
Freiberger Compound FE
Furukawa Electric, Ltd. FC
Haina Semiconductor Co. Ltd. HN
Hamada HA
Hitachi HI
Hitachi Cable, Ltd. HC
International Semiconductor Products PTE, Inc. IS
Japan Energy Corporation JE
Japan Silicon JS
Kawasaki Wafer Technology (Kawatec) KW
Kobe Precision KP
Komatsu KO
Komatsu Electronic Metals Co., Ltd. KE
Komatsu Silicon America, Inc. KA
Komatsu Silicon U.S.A., Inc. KS
LG Siltron Inc. SL
Litton Airtron AR
Lucky Advanced Materials LU
MCP Wafer Technology Wafer Technology Ltd. WT
MEMC-CSMS Electronic Materials, Ltd. MC
MEMC Pasadena MP
MEMC Southwest SW
Mitsubishi Kasei Polytec MK
Mitsubishi Materials (Japan) MI
Monsanto MO
Motorola MT
Mullard MU
Mycosil MS
Nippon Mining NM
NSC Electron NS
Okmetic OK
Osaka Titanium OT
OTC-Semiconductor CS
Outokumpu Semitronic OS
Pensilco PE
Philips PH
Phoenix Silicon International PS
PicoPolish PP
Polishing Corporation of America PC
POSCO Hüls Company, Ltd. PL
Recticon RE
Rhone Siltec RS
SEH Shah Alam SH
Showa Denko SD
Si Bond, L.L.C. SB
Siemens AG SM
Silicon 2000 SN
Silicon Materials Service SS
Silicon Quest International (SQI) SQ
Silicon Valley Microelectronics, Inc. SV
Silmax (Albuquerque, NM) SX
Silrec Corp. SR
SiltecMitsubishi Silicon America SI
Substrate Technology ST
Sumitomo Electric Ind. SU
Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. SK
Sumitomo Sitix Corp. (Japan) SJ
Sumitomo Sitix of Phoenix (Phoenix) SP
Sumitomo Sitix Silicon Inc. (USA) SA
Taisil Electronic TM
Texas Instruments TI
Topsil Semiconductor Materials TO
Toshiba TA
Toshiba Ceramics TC
Transition Technology International TT
Tygh Silicon TY
Unisil UN
US Semiconductor US
Virginia Semiconductor VS
Von Ruse VR
Wacker-Siltronic (Freiberg) WF
Wacker-Siltronic (Singapore) WP
Wacker-Siltronic A.G. (Burghausen) WA
Wacker-Siltronic Corp. (USA) WS
Wafer Work Corporation WW
Worden WO

There are two true type fonts included in the package: Datamatrix and BcsDatamatrix.

Datamatrix true type font is a dot matrix font.
Its print out is shown below

BcsDatamatrix true type font is a traditional font.
Its print out is shown below

It is very simple to integrate Barcodesoft SEMI-T7 Data Matrix with your own application. Sample code in VC++ is included in the SEMI-T7 package.

There is a DLL included in the package: crUFLBcs.dll.
It is a COM object. You can use it to print Data Matrix barcode in Crystal Reports.
You can also integrate it with your own application as Data Matrix Encoder.
It has only one interface: IDataMatrix. This interface has the following methods and properties:

Data Matrix method
Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Description
SEMIT7 [in] BSTR strInput [out,retval] BSTR* strOutput Its turns your input string into SEMI-T7
Data Matrix codewords as output.

See Also


See Also

SEMI G71 Software

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SEMI G83 Software

See Also

BC412 Software

See Also

SEMI T8 Data Matrix

See Also

SEMI T9 Data Matrix