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MICR E13B Font

Keywords: MICR E-13B Font, Bank Routing Number font, ANSI X9.27, Standard 006 Canadian Payment Association

MICR is an acronym for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, familiar to us from its use in banking industry.

The American Bankers Association began using MICR E-13B font and MICR system as the technology for automatic check processing since 1958.

For user's convenience, the mapping table of Barcodesoft MICR font has been modified as shown below.

Character Mapping
# A / #
T B / T
O C / O
- D / -
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
0 0
Today, MICR E-13b font character are widely used in banking industry of United States, Canada and many other countries to print bank checks and money orders. MICR standard is required by many businesses to accept checks or money orders. Proper MICR E-13B character sets are what ensures the transaction to go smoothly.

ANSI X9.27 Print and Test Specifications for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) specifies the measurements, shapes and tolerances of 14 characters defined in MICR font in detail (including 10 digits, Transit symbol, Amount symbol, On-Us symbol and Dash symbol).

When you use Barcodesoft MICR E-13B font to print bank checks, they also meet the requirements of Standard 006 issued by the Canadian Payments Association (CPA).

Barcodesoft MICR E13B fonts package contains 9 font sets: MICR, MICRB, MICRBN, MICRBW, MICRL, MICRLN, MICRLW, MICRN, MICRW. These MICR fonts vary slightly in aspect ratios and stroke width in order to make up for the inaccuracy of MICR printing devices.
When print at point size 10, Barcodesoft MICR font is designed to meet requirements of ANSI X9.27 documentation.

Barcodesoft MICR font is available in true type, PostScript, PCL format, Open Type (eot), Web Open Font Format (woff / woff2) and SVG. It can be embedded into Adobe PDF files and web page.

Barcodesoft MICR E-13b font works with accounting softwares, such as Peachtree, quickbooks.

Some characters in the demo MICR E-13b font have "Demo" watermarks.

If you want to print your own bank check, you will need MICR E13b font as well as MICR toner and blank check paper. MICR toner is magnetic so that your micr line will pass bank test. Otherwise, your check will be rejected by your bank.

Barcodesoft MICR font has the following nominal dimensions when print at point size 10:

This is the pricing list of Barcodesoft MICR E13b font package
If you want to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to automate MICR check processing, please download Barcodesoft Precise OCR freeware.

After finish installation, you will find a BCSPreciseOCR.dll on your computer. This BCSPreciseOCR.dll is a COM object. It has only one interface: IBCSOCR.

You can integrate it with your own application to read out characters from MICR images.

We have done some tests. The recognition rate is quite high.

If you use Visual C++, please copy and paste code snippet below for further development.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "atlbase.h"
#import "bcspreciseocr.tlb"
using namespace BCSPreciseOCRLib;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
IBCSOCRPtr pOCR(__uuidof(BCSOCR));
pOCR->raw_SetMode(0); //0 for scanner mode
pOCR->raw_SetFont(0); //0 for MICR font OCR
_bstr_t strOCR = pOCR->Recognize(T2OLE(_T("image.bmp")));
_tprintf(L"%s", OLE2CT(strOCR));
catch (const _com_error& e)
_tprintf("Error: 0x%08x %s\n", e.Error(), e.ErrorMessage());
return 0;

If you use Visual Basic, please copy and paste from code snippet below.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim bcsocr As Object
Set bcsocr = CreateObject("BCSPreciseOCR.bcsocr.1")
bcsocr.SetMode (0) ;0 for scanner mode
bcsocr.setFont (0) ;0 for MICR font OCR
Dim retval As String
retval = bcsocr.Recognize(Text1.Text)
Text2.Text = retval
End Sub

If you use other programming language, please contact us for MICR font OCR source code.