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ISO/IEC 15417 standard specifies Code128. Code128 barcode can encode alpha-numeric data or numbers.
Code128 has three subsets: code128A, code128B, and code128C.
Code128A is used to encode uppercase alpha and control characters.
Code128B is used to encode both uppercase and lowercase alpha and numeric data.
Code128C is used to encode numeric-only data. USS Code128 uses subset C.
As mentioned in Wikipedia, this is the mapping table of Barcodesoft Code128 Barcode Font
Code128 Set A | Code128 Set B | Code128 Set C | Mapping | Code128 Set A | Code128 Set B | Code128 Set C | Mapping |
Space | Space | 00 | 236 (0xFC) | V | V | 54 | V |
! | ! | 01 | ! | W | W | 55 | W |
" | " | 02 | " | X | X | 56 | X |
# | # | 03 | # | Y | Y | 57 | Y |
$ | $ | 04 | $ | Z | Z | 58 | Z |
% | % | 05 | % | [ | [ | 59 | [ |
& | & | 06 | & | \ | \ | 60 | \ |
' | ' | 07 | ' | ] | ] | 61 | ] |
( | ( | 08 | ( | ^ | ^ | 62 | ^ |
) | ) | 09 | ) | _ | _ | 63 | _ |
* | * | 10 | * | NUL | ` | 64 | ` |
+ | + | 11 | + | SOH | a | 65 | a |
, | , | 12 | , | STX | b | 66 | b |
- | - | 13 | - | ETX | c | 67 | c |
. | . | 14 | . | EOT | d | 68 | d |
/ | / | 15 | / | ENQ | e | 69 | e |
0 | 0 | 16 | 0 | ACK | f | 70 | f |
1 | 1 | 17 | 1 | BEL | g | 71 | g |
2 | 2 | 18 | 2 | BS | h | 72 | h |
3 | 3 | 19 | 3 | HT | i | 73 | i |
4 | 4 | 20 | 4 | LT | j | 74 | j |
5 | 5 | 21 | 5 | VT | k | 75 | k |
6 | 6 | 22 | 6 | FF | l | 76 | l |
7 | 7 | 23 | 7 | CR | m | 77 | m |
8 | 8 | 24 | 8 | SO | n | 78 | n |
9 | 9 | 25 | 9 | SI | o | 79 | o |
: | : | 26 | : | DLE | p | 80 | p |
; | ; | 27 | ; | DC1 | q | 81 | q |
< | < | 28 | < | DC2 | r | 82 | r |
= | = | 29 | = | DC3 | s | 83 | s |
> | > | 30 | > | DC4 | t | 84 | t |
? | ? | 31 | ? | NAK | u | 85 | u |
@ | @ | 32 | @ | SYN | v | 86 | v |
A | A | 33 | A | ETB | w | 87 | w |
B | B | 34 | B | CAN | x | 88 | x |
C | C | 35 | C | EM | y | 89 | y |
D | D | 36 | D | SUB | z | 90 | z |
E | E | 37 | E | ESC | { | 91 | { |
F | F | 38 | F | FS | | | 92 | | |
G | G | 39 | G | GS | } | 93 | } |
H | H | 40 | H | RS | ~ | 94 | ~ |
I | I | 41 | I | US | DEL | 95 | à (0xF0) |
J | J | 42 | J | FNC3 | FNC3 | 96 | á (0xF1) |
K | K | 43 | K | FNC2 | FNC2 | 97 | â (0xF2) |
L | L | 44 | L | Shift | Shift | 98 | ã (0xF3) |
M | M | 45 | M | Code C | Code C | 99 | ä (0xF4) |
N | N | 46 | N | Code B | FNC4 | Code B | å (0xF5) |
O | O | 47 | O | FNC4 | Code A | Code A | æ (0xF6) |
P | P | 48 | P | FNC1 | FNC1 | FNC1 | ç (0xF7) |
Q | Q | 49 | Q | Start A | Start A | Start A | è (0xF8) |
R | R | "50" | R | Start B | Start B | Start B | é (0xF9) |
S | S | 51 | S | Start C | Start C | Start C | ê (0xFA) |
T | T | 52 | T | Stop | Stop | Stop | ë (0xFB) |
U | U | 53 | U |
Aspect Ratio | No Human Readable | Set A with HR | Set B with HR | Set C with HR |
XXS | Code128XXSHr | Code128AXXS | Code128BXXS | Code128CXXS |
XS | Code128XSHr | Code128AXS | Code128BXS | Code128CXS |
S | Code128SHr | Code128AS | Code128BS | Code128CS |
M | Code128MHr | Code128AM | Code128BM | Code128CM |
L | Code128LHr | Code128AL | Code128BL | Code128CL |
XL | Code128XLHr | Code128AXL | Code128BXL | Code128CXL |
XXL | Code128XXLHr | Code128AXXL | Code128BXXL | Code128CXXL |
License | Single User | 5-User | 10-User | Site | Corporate | Developer | 5-Developer | 10-Developer | Unlimited Developer |
Price | CAD299 | CAD399 | CAD599 | CAD799 | CAD999 | CAD1199 | CAD1399 | CAD1999 | CAD2999 |
1. Right click command prompt and run command prompt as administrator.
Type in the following commands to register cruflbcs.dll
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil"
regsvr32.exe cruflbcs.dll
To register 64-bit DLL, please type in the following commands
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil"
%systemroot%\System32\regsvr32.exe cruflbcs_x64.dll
If you see the following Window pop up, your registration was successful.
2. Open your crystal report. Right click Formula Fields, choose "New..." from the context menu.
Type in "code128" in the Name textbox, then click "Use Editor".
3. Double click "BCSLinearcode128" function from Visual Basic UFLs list as shown.
4. Then type in the database field as parameter for code128 formula. And click "Save" button to save code128 formula field.
5. Drag and drop the code128 formula field in your crystal report design view.
6. Right click code128 formula field and choose "Format Field" from context menu. Then choose "code128mHr" font typeface.
Click OK Button. You will see code128 barcode in your crystal report.
1. Right click command prompt and run command prompt as administrator.
Type in the following commands to register cruflbcs.dll
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil"
regsvr32.exe cruflbcs.dll
To register 64-bit DLL, please type in the following commands
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil"
%systemroot%\System32\regsvr32.exe cruflbcs_x64.dll
If you see the following Window pop up, your registration was successful.
2. Start Microsoft® Excel® first.
If you are using Excel 2000 or 2003, click menu ===> Tools ==> Macro ===> Security. Choose Low security level.
If you are using Excel 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019, click the Microsoft Office Button.
Then click Excel Options, choose Trust Center. In the Macro Settings category, under Macro Settings, choose "Enable all macros" as shown below.
3. Press ALT + F11 to open Microsoft® Visual Basic editor.
4. From Visual Basic editor, choose menu Tools ===> References. It will popup a dialog. Click Browse button and choose cruflbcs.dll from your working folder.
Usually it's under C:\Program File (x86)\CommonFiles\Barcodesoft\Fontutil folder.
Click the checkbox beside crUFLBcs 1.0 Type Library as shown below. Then click OK button.
5. Press Ctrl+M, it will popup a dialog, choose barcodesoft.bas under C:\Program File (x86)\CommonFiles\Barcodesoft\Fontutil folder. Then click "Open".
If you don't find barcodesoft.bas, please download it from Code128.
6. Close Visual Basic editor and go back to your spreadsheet. Now, you can use the following macros to encode data: Code128 . When you have lots of data to process, you can just copy and paste the macro to the whole column and all data will be encoded immediately.
Please use cell reference to replace xxx in the formulas as shown below.
7. Right click Cell B1, choose Format Cell from context menu. Then click Font to apply one of the appropriate font typefaces to the cell, such as Code128mHr.
1. Right click command prompt and run command prompt as administrator.
Type in the following commands to register cruflbcs.dll
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil"
regsvr32.exe cruflbcs.dll
To register 64-bit DLL, please type in the following commands
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil"
%systemroot%\System32\regsvr32.exe cruflbcs_x64.dll
If you see the following Window pop up, your registration was successful.
2. Start Microsoft® Access®.
If you are using Access 2000 or 2003, click menu ===> Tools ==> Macro ===> Security. Choose Low security level.
If you are using Access 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019, click the Microsoft Office Button.
Then click Access Options, choose Trust Center. In the Macro Settings category, under Macro Settings, choose "Enable all macros" as shown below.
3. Press ALT + F11 to open Microsoft® Visual Basic editor.
4. From Visual Basic editor, choose menu Tools ===> References. It will popup a dialog. Click Browse button and choose cruflbcs.dll from your working folder.
Usually it's under C:\Program File (x86)\CommonFiles\Barcodesoft\Fontutil folder.
Click the checkbox beside crUFLBcs 4.0 Type Library as shown below. Then click OK button.
5. Press Ctrl+M, it will popup a dialog, choose barcodesoft.bas under C:\Program File (x86)\CommonFiles\Barcodesoft\Fontutil folder. Then click "Open".
If you don't find barcodesoft.bas, please download it from code128.
6. Close Visual Basic and go back to your Access database. Now, create a report in Design view and type in one of the following macros in the field where you want to show code128 barcode before apply font typeface, such as Code128mHr:
Please notice that 'data' is the Table name, 'code' is the Field name.
7. Right click the field you want to display code128 barcode. Choose Properties from context menu. Apply one of the appropriate font typefaces to the field, such as code128mHr.